Monday, January 13, 2014

Digital Book World Conference & Agile Content

DBW is this week in New York and I will be on discussing 'agile content' on a panel on Wednesday. If you are going please stop by and/or say hello in the aisles.  I will be there for the duration.

Here is the panel description:

Agile Content: Developing Responsive Publishing Models
Wednesday, January 15 | 1:45 pm - 2:35 pm (breakout)
Moderated by  Christopher Kenneally, Director Business Development, CCC
Michael Cairns, Chief Operating Officer - Online Division, Publishing Technology
Venetia Davie, VP New Business Development, Parragon Publishing
Amanda D'Acierno, SVP, Publisher, Penguin Random House Audio, Fodor's and Living Language

As digital technology shortens the publishing cycle and offers a number of new ways to monetize content, publishers are finding opportunities outside their historical commercial activity to generate new revenue from existing content. Publishers are able to deliver and license their content for websites and apps; partners and readers are able to mix and match content in new ways; and both traditional book publishers and publishers in other media are suddenly able to repurpose what they have into books in response to news events and other timely triggers.

This panel of new and traditional publishers will be moderated by industry veteran Michael Cairns, currently the COO of the Online Division for the systems provider Publishing Technology. They will explore both the tech and business challenges of using old content to develop new businesses, and they will discuss how they are looking outside the traditional publishing model to improve speed-to-market and reuse, repurpose, and reinvigorate their existing content in exciting new ways.
