Thursday, March 6, 2014

CCC Launches content provision program for MOOCs

One of the missing elements in CCC's value chain was content but they seem to be in the process of addressing that limitation via this deal with SPiX, and XanEdu.

From their press release,

Copyright Clearance Center, Inc. (CCC), a global licensing and content solutions organization, has launched a MOOC Content Licensing Solution in partnership with course material providers SIPX,, and XanEdu.
Massive Open Online Courses (MOOCs) are large virtual classrooms that are accessed online by students worldwide and that are often sponsored by leading institutions of higher education.

The MOOC Content Licensing Solution uses the current per-page or per-article academic-based pricing rightsholders have established through CCC’s Electronic Course Content pay-per-use service. CCC offers digital rights from over 5,000 rightsholders around the world to public, private not-for-profit, and private for-profit U.S.-based institutions of higher education that conduct academic MOOCs.

One of the biggest challenges in reusing published content in MOOCs is obtaining copyright permissions and then disseminating the licensed content to enrolled students. Through its partnership with leading course materials providers, CCC’s solution provides copyright-cleared course content to students enrolled in a MOOC, relieving the instructor of the burden of securing permissions and distributing content.

“This solution makes it easy for instructors at academic institutions to secure permission to reuse copyrighted content in their MOOCs,” said Tim Bowen, CCC’s Director, Academic Products & Services. “It also makes it simpler for students to secure the licensed content at academic-based pricing from rightsholders.”

“We see a growing interest from educators in using portions of copyrighted works – such as book excerpts, journal content and magazine articles – to enhance their online courses, many of which SIPX has supported in the past 18 months,” said Heather Ruland Staines, Vice President, Publishers Development, SIPX, Inc. “This new capability on the CCC platform will help us support online education even more efficiently in the future.”
