Tuesday, March 10, 2015

How to Maximize your EdCamp Experience

Edcamps are the "unconference". They are free, attendee led and driven, places to share and learn. Edcamp is a great series of free, unconferences for educators. It is a great method of professional development, being run by teachers, for teachers. The Edcamp model is unique in that attendees set the agenda the morning of the conference and the sessions are not led by one person, but are rather a collaboration of both the facilitator and attendees.

This is a great opportunity to connect, share, teach, learn, and expand their personal learning network. Edcamps are excellent resources for teachers and offer some of the finest professional development around.

Here is a great article by Mary Beth Hertz on Edcamp and the unconference idea.

Find an Edcamp near you and attend, learn, share, and collaborate. Edcamp: http://edcamp.wikispaces.com/ 

To maximize your EdCamp experience, you need to be flexible, willing to participate in discussions, and even look at leading a discussion. Don't feel obligated to stay in one session - if it doesn't meet your needs, go to another one. Take notes, meet new people, learn and share. 

Here is a nice infographic (click on link to go to the infographic) on Maximizing your Edcamp experience. 

